SFA’S Fancy Food Show Returns This Fall
As trade shows again fill venues that once housed Covid-19 treatment and vaccination clinics this past year, the food industry is cheering the return of the Fancy Food Show, now scheduled for September 27-29 in New York City. Fancy Food Show 2021 will be an in-person event at the Jacob Javits Center, now a GBAC STAR certified facility.
According to Jennifer Carney, Director, Tradeshow Operations for Specialty Food Association which operates the Fancy Food Shows in the U.S., “Live shows are happening again as our members are anxious to have face-to-face opportunities to conduct business.” Ms. Carney, who has been with the Specialty Food Association for thirteen years serving in various roles including operations, programs, and exhibit sales, spent the past year planning what the next normal will look like for the Fancy Food Shows, monitoring changing restrictions and density levels as mandated by local and state governments, as well as the pulse of exhibitors and buyers.
She comments, “It’s been great to receive such encouragement from our members. We had surveyed buyers on whether they were likely to attend shows in the third or fourth quarters of the year, and we heard immediate and supportive feedback. Our larger exhibitors have been confirming their booths for months and served as a bellwether for the return of makers to the show floor.” The September show will exhibit thousands of specialty foods and beverage products, with management anticipating as strong a representation of products as in prior years.
Living the next normal, trade show attendees will experience some changes in this show’s planning, including contactless registration. There will be no on-site registration this fall; all attendees will be vetted and prequalified. Registration has just opened for attendees.
Education programming will be digitally delivered. According to Ms. Carney, “The decision to limit educational events and sessions that might yield sizable, seated gatherings was particularly challenging, but in our assessment, it’s a decision made in the best safety interests of attendees.” The education sessions will be part of Fancy Food 24/7 and will be run via Zoom webinars from October 4-8, 2021. Fancy Food 24/7 will take place concurrently with the Show and will extend activities through October 8. This interactive component of the traditional Fancy Food Show will include maker showcases, educational programming, and international pavilions.
These social distancing elements are part of SFA’s SAFFE program to institute practices that promote the health and safety of attendees. Barcodes on badges will be scanned at machines situated at entry points in Javits, properly spaced to avoid congregation. Large gatherings in individual booths will be discouraged and there may be capacity recommendations based on each booth size. “With our SAFFE program, we are monitoring and implementing best practices as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, as well as experts on the local, state, and federal levels in government,” Ms. Carney explains. “By providing capacity numbers based on the footprint of the booth, exhibitors can prevent overcrowding. Signs may be helpful to indicate capacity levels, and we are also offering plexiglass shields, sneeze guards, to be placed on tables for an added measure of distancing.” Masking will be required inside when necessitated by city and state regulations at the time of the show. As of now, any vaccinated individuals do not have to wear masks. Any unvaccinated individuals are still required to wear masks.
Sampling will be permitted at the show, however, samples must be single serve containers (with a lid) that are sealed and packaged. If a sample is not pre-packaged, then plexi shields are required. Face masks, gloves and utensils will be required when food is being handled. Exhibitors are also being asked to offer hand sanitizer at booths (PPE will be widely available throughout Javits), and to frequently clean and disinfect high-touch areas in booths. Javits Center has established a comprehensive system of cleaning, disinfection, and infectious disease prevention, through its GBAC (Global Biorisk Advisory Council) STAR accreditation.
New products remain a highlight of the show and will be identified through floor decals and booth flags, among other measures to promote what’s new and innovative for easy spotting by buyers.
Over the past year, SFA has presented digital marketplaces, online platforms that have attracted thousands of buyers and nearly 500 makers. Ms. Carney comments, “Exhibitors and buyers were thrilled to have a platform during the pandemic to connect without waiting for the return of live events. While in-person events are now slated for the fall, the virtual marketplace helped to maintain business relationships and to provide exchange and exposure. Tools such as buy now buttons, chats with makers, video calls to digital showrooms, and build my network capability, helped to make these marketplace opportunities effective, and we anticipate that they will continue in the future.”
Currently there is a requirement to show proof of a Covid-19 vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test result to attend the Fancy Food Show. There will be no on-site testing for coronavirus. Specialty Food Association will be issuing health-screening questions three days prior to attendance at the show and will be requesting self-controlled temperature checks prior to travel.
Ms. Carney adds, “If everyone is doing their part, cooperating with guidelines and self-monitoring for illness, I am confident the show will be a tremendous success. Along with the Javits Center, we’re working tirelessly to implement the best safety practices. All our indicators point to the September show being a well-attended forum for the international specialty food community. We are being cautious and hope everyone will be respectful of the procedures in place to protect while we do business live this fall. There is useful information on our website for travelers to New York City from domestic and international locations, and I urge anyone attending the show to look at the latest information being posted there to be acquainted with current regulations.”
Jennifer Carney
Director of Tradeshow Operations for Specialty Food Association